Director 300 Class (Links and Slide images)
Simon Sinek Golden Circle video
The 3 Videos to Text
The Redox Breakthrough
Dr. David Silverman Explains ASEA
ASEA Genesis
7 Min Quickdraw
Testimonial text
A friend of mine who also happens to be a Naturopath did a Live Cell Blood Analysis before starting ASEA.
In the 2 "Before" photos notice that the blood cells are clumped together, this is a sign of "sticky or thick" blood which is a sign of inflammation. Cancer can also hide from the immune system in "sticky or thick" blood. Also notice the "debris" in between the cells.
After 6 weeks of drinking ASEA, the Naturopath did another Live Blood Cell Analysis. (After photo) You can see that the blood cells are no longer clumped together and the debris is gone.
This woman is in her early 70s. This much improvement in the blood in only 6 weeks is truly MIRACULOUS!
Autoimmune Testimonial Video
Cristina Williams "How and Whom to contact with our Redox Business"
Study and take notes from
Jim Rohn "How to build your Network Marketing Business"
D300 Presentation Video
D300 Week 2 Presentation Video
Cell Performance Drinks Quickdraw
7 Minute Comp Plan Video
Week 3 Presentation Video
How to Navigate Your Backoffice
First Month Recap (Week 4 presentation)
Sample Bundle Tutorial
Week 5 Presentation
The Science Behind the Cell Performance Drinks
The Text
This is (your name), here is the link to the 2 minute video about the Gel.
- (Your link for Personalized Sketch Video, or the Generic Quickdraw Link)
Also, here is a 2 minute video about the Cell Performance Drinks
- (Link to The Science Behind Cell Performance Drinks)